of feminine luxury — a beautiful, pampered girl relaxing in her bubble bath, sipping chilled champagne, while her personal maid lovingly bathed her. Over the past few months I had gotten caught up in Miss Cindy's lifestyle. She lived in a world of all-encompassing femininity and luxury like nothing I'd ever imagined, and I found it exciting and hypnotic.

Miss Cindy began to get silly from the combined effects of the champagne and her hot bath water. She giggled and splashed me with a big cloud of frothy bubbles drenching my top. Translucent from the soaking, the lace of brassiere and slip could be seen plainly. I was glad I'd thought to wear my slick, pink apron or my panties would also show.

I often fantasized about Cindy pulling me into the tub with her and as I wailed around in the suds, her hands adeptly exploring under my wet uniform...but it never happened.

"You're a very good servant, Cissie" Miss Cindy said softly with a satisfied smile, looking at me with a dreamy expression.

"Oh, Cissie!" Miss Cindy exclaimed, suddenly sitting up in the tub, her breasts jiggling slightly, "I have a date tonight. ..a real hunk!"

I gulped and turned red. Secretly, I was very jealous, and was always upset whenever Miss Cindy brought up the subject of men!

As I washed her back, Miss Cindy told me all about the cute guy she'd met, and then asked me what I thought she should wear. Without pausing for my answer, she rambled on about what the best "image" would be for a first date.

"He's really a dreamboat, so I want to look good," Miss Cindy said girlishly as she averted her eyes. It was obvious that she wanted to impress and attract this guy, and it was hard hearing her gush about him so.

After a long soak, Miss Cindy made a subtle gesture to let me know she was ready to get out of the tub. I stood up and held a giant terry towel up for her to step into from her bath, trying to be 'unruffled' in spite of my mistress' nakedness and all the talk about her date and sexy clothes.


The beautiful model rose from the water, rainbow bubbles sliding down over her pink, slippery skin. I wrapped the warm towel around her body and patted her dry as she continued to rattle on about what she might wear for her evening out.


Cindy laid on her bed and I gave her a lotion massage, rubbing her shoulders and back with a warm terry towel. The rich girl sighed with lazy satisfaction as I gently massaged her. I pressed my knees together knowing the gaff would keep me girlishly under control.

"That was a great bath, Cissie and thanks for thinking of the Champagne," she said as she got up.

Cindy had me dress her in a pretty lavender satin teddy and a matching short robe, which she left open to show off her sexy figure. She stepped into frivolous Manolo Blahnik mules with little wedge heels as I arranged her slightly-wet hair and pinned it up for her.

Miss Cindy enjoyed lounging around her apartment in a sexy little teddy or skimpy bra and panties. At first I thought it was designed to tease me, but I now suspected Miss Cindy would lounge around in practically nothing even if she was alone. I was beginning to understand that feminine sensuality could be a solo pursuit.

Cindy went to the living room and had me bring her the mail. She laid on the sofa in her teddy, her robe falling open, and put on her new wire-rimmed reading glasses. Someone as beautiful as Miss Cindy could look quite prim and very sexy all at the same time. She told me that it would be O.K. to vacuum, so I did the housework while Cindy relaxed on the sofa, lazily going through her mail and reading her romance novel. As I vacuumed around the sofa it was hard to keep my eyes off my mistress' pretty teddy the high-cut, lacy little silk nothing revealed very nice curves.

Cindy lounged around all afternoon while I made the beds, rinsed her tub, folded towels and linens, and worked in the kitchen. Cindy wandered into whichever room I happened to be working in to talk and tell me whatever gossip she remembered from her fashion shoots. Her little teddy was quite sexy. As she walked out of the kitchen once, her short robe blew up in back, revealing her beautiful, nearly-bare bottom. The skimpy teddy had ridden all the way up her rear. It was heaven and hell all at onceto be so close, but yet so impossibly far!

Sometimes the exquisite sexual frustration of being Miss Cindy's personal maid was overwhelming. I would have to retreat to my room and take a few deep breaths, trying not to go crazy with unrequited desire. If I had time, I sometimes even took a cold shower. To be on such intimate terms with Miss Cindy while being seen as nothing more than her sissified